- Title
- Sources
- Balisage
- Balisage XML
- Client System
- Problem
- System Overview
- Edit1
- System1
- System2
- System5
- Output
- Overview2
- Outputs
- Overview3
- What's in a name?
- Name properties
- Version meaning
- Workflows
- Naming scheme
- URN versions
- URN translations
- URN 2-level versions
- Solution 1A
- Single pipeline
- Edit1
- System1
- System2
- System3
- Output
- Output - overview
- Versioning XML
- Base document
- Version 1
- Closeup XML
- Edit 1 out
- Edit1 logged
- System1 in and out
- System1 logged
- System2 in and out
- System2 logged
- System3 in and out
- Output
- System3 logged
- Complete version history
- XPath
- Mapped URL
- Virtual document names
- What to Log
- URLs
- Logging Workflows
- Just store versions
- Do stuff with it
- Versioning XML
- Store
- URL, metadata in tracking system
- Implementation
- Use
- Thank you