XTiger XML Language Specification

Updated: January 5, 2010 by Stéphane Sire (Media research group)


You should have a reasonable understanding of XHTML and XML to be able to read this document. You are strongly encouraged to try the primitive editors described in this document by opening the editors.xtd document template with the editor application that comes with the XTiger XML distribution.

Table of content

  1. Introduction to the XTiger XML language
  2. Anatomy of an XTiger XML document
  3. Primitive component types
  4. The xt:head element
  5. The xt:component element
  6. The xt:use element
  7. The xt:attribute element
  8. The xt:menu-marker element
  9. The xt:repeat element
  10. The string primitive component type
  11. The text primitive component type
  12. The select primitive component type
  13. The content primitive component type
  14. XTiger XML Processing Model
  15. Styling XTiger XML templates
  16. Summary tables of supported attributes and parameters

Introduction to the XTiger XML language

The XTiger XML language is derived from the XTiger language (web link). 

XTiger XML (XTX) defines several XML elements and their attributes which can be mixed on a host document using a special namespace. Currently it uses the same namespace as XTiger (http://ns.inria.org/xtiger) although this must be changed in the future since it is not stricto-senso compatible. For convenience this namespace is often associated with the xt prefix (e.g. xmlns:xt="http://ns.inria.org/xtiger") that will be used in the rest of this document.

Currently XTiger XML supports only an XHTML host document. The combination of XTiger XML with an XHTML host document constitutes a document template. For convenience the file is named with a ".xtd" suffix. You can also name the template document with an .html or a .xhtml suffix to be able to open it directly in a browser, but if you open it without transforming it with an XTX processor you may only see parts of the document template.

The purpose of a document template is to describe a visual presentation for a document that will be used to edit XML data. This is similar to a formular. When the document template is processed with a XTX processor it becomes interactive and the user can enter data. The XTX  processor is also able to load XML data into the template and to save back XML data from the template. Hence XTX is a kind of control language that stands between the view (the XHTML document) and the data (the XML data). 

The XTiger XML Language is embedded inside an XHTML host language and describe a mapping from this document to an XML Content Model.

(DATA) XML Content Model <-------- XTiger XML Language (CONTROL) -----> XHTML Host Language  (VIEW)

In summary, when writing an XTiger XML template document, you should have on one hand an idea of the XML Content Model you want to edit, and on the other hand an idea of a presentation document based on XHTML that you would like your formated data looks like. The XTX processor will transform the XTX elements embedded inside the XHTML template into dynamical data entry fields that will allow to edit  the document and to save the edited data to XML when finished. This is what we call pseudo-WYSIWIG editing.

Comparison with other languages / approaches

XTiger: to be done

XSTL + XML: to be done

XFoms: to be done

Anatomy of an XTiger XML document

A typical XTX document looks like the following simple "hello world" document template below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:xt="http://ns.inria.org/xtiger">
<title>My first template</title>
  <xt:component name="friend">
     <li><xt:use types="text">name</xt:use><xt:menu-marker/></li>
<p>List of persons to great:</p>
  <xt:repeat minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="*" label="persons">
    <xt:use types="friend" label="name"/>

As you can see, it contains two parts:

The example above declares a single component type named friend. This component type is included in the body section where it can be repeated between zero and a non limited number of times. Consequently, when used to enter data, the previous template can produce the following XML data documents:


or this one:


The top element instance in the XML data document is currently not defined by the template (note: this will be done soon). It can currently be set arbitrarily by the programmer when invoking the XTX processor for saving the edited data using the Javascript API. 

The mapping between the document template and the target XML data model is controlled with two attributes (in green in the document example above):

In the document template above you may also notice a xt:menu-marker element. This element is just a hint given to the XTX processor for placing the Add / Remove buttons that will be generated to control the repetition inside the xt:repeat element. In the document above these buttons will be inserted in place of the xt:menu-marker, which means at the end of the li element. This way, they will appear at the end of the line and not on a new line, which would break the document layout. This type of hint if precious for the XTX processor as it allows to keep a more natural document appearance when editing data.

Primitive component types

XTX comes with a set of built-in component types which are ultimately mapped to editable user interface text input fields. These built-in component types allow the user to enter or to modify data into the document. Consequently a document template that does not reference any built-in component type will not allow users to input new data, at most it will allow users to repeat  static parts of the document, to change their order or to choose between different parts, which is not quite useful.

The  built-in component types are included in the template document with an xt:use element with a types attribute set to the unique type name of the built-in component. For instance the following declaration <xt:use types="text">name</xt:use> includes a text editor that can be used to input a name, as suggested by its default value which is put in the element content.

The XTX library can be extended with new buil-in components. This is usually done by creating a Javascript plugin which has to register it's type name to the library. This way it is possible to create many different editing interaction styles by using different plugin editors. For instance a common use of plugin editors is to create editors that constrain the input data, such as entering a date, or a number, uploading an image, etc.

The XTX library comes with 3 built-in component types which are explained below: string, text and select.

The xt:head element

Contains xt:component

Contained in head (XHTML)

The xt:head element contains the component types declaration section of the template document. It must be present even if it is empty.


Name Mandatory Value Definition
label no any string, defaults to 'instance' if not defined mapping with the tag name for the root element of the XML content model of the template
Note: not yet implemented

Currently XTX does not interpret the other attributes for this element which are defined in the original XTiger specification.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:xt="http://ns.inria.org/xtiger">
  <xt:head label="test"/>

The template above generates only one XML content model:


The xt:component element

Contains any XHTML content, xt:use, xt:repeat, xt:attribute, xt:menu-marker

Contained in xt:head

The xt:component element declares a new component type which can be included later on with an xt:use element. The content of the component may be any regular XHTML, or it can includes other XTX elements or both. The creation of nested components can be achieved by including other components within a component through one or more xt:use elements. This will also create nested XML data structures as the xt:use elements can be mapped to a  tag name in the XML content model of the template (see below).

An xt:component may contain a unique optional xt:menu-marker element. This element is  significant only if the xt:component is included in the scope of an xt:repeat element. In that case the xt:menu-marker element will be replaced by the repetition menu.


Name Mandatory Value Definition
name yes string name of the type of this document, it must be unique within all the components of a template and it is used to include the component in an xt:use element
i18n no string label that is displayed for the option that represents the inclusion of this component in the menu generated in case of a xt:use element that references multiple types; this is used for internationalization purposes of a template


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:xt="http://ns.inria.org/xtiger">

<xt:component name="intro">
   <p>I was born the <xt:use types="string" label="date">day of month, year <xt:use>
in <xt:use types="string" label="place">city</xt:use></p>
<h2>Presentation of <xt:use types="text" label="name"
<xt:use types="intro" label="birth"/>

The template above will generate the following type of XML data:


The xt:use element

Contains empty, or text node

Contained in xt:component, xt:repeat or any XHTML element that can have child elements

The xt:use element includes a component inside the document at it's position. It may include a specific component type, a builtin component type, or a list of component types. In that latter case the xt:use element will generate a selection menu allowing the user to choose at runtime the component type to include. It can only carry on a text content, which is meaningful  only in the case the xt:use includes a primitive component types (it is ignored otherwise). In that case it is up to the primitive editor to interpret this content, which is usually displayed as the default content when the user has not input data yet, or no data has been loaded. 

It is a good practice to set a self-explanatory default content that hints the user about the expected content. You may notice that the content of the xt:use element differs from the original XTiger specification, that used to save the document data with the document.

The xt:use element supports an experimental flow attribute which can be used to slice the XML content model into different parts which may be discontinued in regards to the template document order. This is useful for instance to split the XML content model in two parts in case of internationalization: one part may be dependant of the language, while the other part may be independant. In that case, the language dependant parts of the template can be defined in the template as usual, while the independant parts can be defined inside a separate flow. The API to serialize the XML content of  a document template, which is  described in the developer's guide, allows to serialize all the XML content model into a single document, or to serialize the main XML content model and the different flows into different documents. This is useful to split the XML content and to store it in different databases or tables.


Name Mandatory Value Definition
types yes white space separated list of type names lists the components which can be included at the position of the xt:use, if there are several names the XTX processor will generate a selection menu
label no, only mandatory in conjunction with  a flow attribute string mapping with a tag name in the XML content model
option no "set" or "unset" if this attribute is present, the xt:use content is optional, when its value is "set" the content is set by default whereas it is not set if its value is "unset"
NOTE: actually option is interpreted if and only if  types integrates a single primitive component type
param no semi-colon separated list of key=value attribute value pairs declarations declares some options which can be set for the primitive editor that will manage the component included with this xt:use; this attribute is only taken into account 1) if the xt:use contains only one type name in the types attribute and ii) if this is the type name of a registered primitive editor
flow no string places the XML content model that starts at the xt:use element inside a separate flow named with this attribute; it is possible to create a discontinued flow that embraces several xt:use elements by using several times the same name in the flow attribute; however in that case the flow attributes with the same name can not be nested


See above the xt:component example

Example with a separate flow

The following template is a very basic meeting decision report with a flow participants that contains the list of present and excused people by their name. As these list of names do not need to be translated into different languages, they have been put in a separate flow to allow developers to save it to a different place than the other meeting data in the template which could be translated to different languages and then be stored in different places. This example shows that a flow can be splitted into different parts which are intertwined with the main document. The experimental flow mechanism offers a very basic and low level mechanism to decouple the organization of data into the database from the organization of data in to a  document template.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:xt="http://ns.inria.org/xtiger">
<xt:head label="minutes">
<xt:component name="listOfParticipants">
<xt:repeat minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="*" pseudoLabel="name" >
    <li><xt:use types="text" label="name">participant name</xt:use><xt:menu-marker/></li>
<h1><xt:use types="text" label="title">Meeting title</xt:use></h1>
<xt:use types="text" label="goal">Goal</xt:use>
<xt:use types="listOfParticipants" label="present" flow="participants"/>
<xt:repeat minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="*" label="decisions">
    <li><xt:use types="text" label="decision">decision</xt:use>
<xt:use types="listOfParticipants" label="excused" flow="participants"/>

If serialized as a single document, the template would generated the following type of XML content that is called a tide; the first children of the xt:tide root element is the XML content of the main document (i.e. the main flow), while each of the other first level children represents a different flow: 

<xt:tide xmlns:xt="http://ns.inria.org/xtiger">
<title>Library decoration</title>
<goal>Define which plants we should bring to improve our library room. </goal>
<decision>bring a ficus</decision>

You may have notice that the previous example is not completely internationalized, as some text inside the template itself, which is not part of the XML content model, such as the <h2> sub-title Present, should also be internationalized. However this could be done using different templating mechanisms that depend of the server-side framework used to serve the templates themselves.

The same content that would be generated from the same template without the separate participants flow attributes would generate the following XML content:

<title>Library decoration</title>
<goal>Define which plants we should bring to improve our library room. </goal>
<decision>bring a ficus</decision>

The xt:attribute element

Contains empty, or text node

Contained in descendant of an xt:component or an xt:repeat element  

The xt:attribute element includes a built-in component type that will be mapped to an XML attribute in the XML content model of the document. This XML attribute will be attached to the current XML element in scope when generating the XML data. The component type name is given in the types attribute, which although in a plural form must contain only one component type name.


Name Mandatory Value Definition
types yes a primitive component type  sets the built-in editor that will be used to edit the attribute; this can be only a primitive component type editor (i.e. currently "string", "text" and "select")
type deprecated name for types
name yes string mapping withn an attribute name in the XML content model
option no "set" or "unset" if this attribute is present, the xt:attribute is optional, when its value is "set" it is set by default whereas it is not set if its value is "unset"
values no optional white space separated list of  the values allowed for the attribute defines allowed values for the attribute, this only works if the primitive component type manages a list of choices (i.e. at that moment this is the case only with the select primitive component type)
default yes string defines the value by default of the xt:attribute, if the attribute values is defined the default value must be part of the list
i18n no optional white space separated list of the labels to display for each value in the values attribute displays a different label for each option in the menu that presents the allowed values to the user; this is useful only in conjunction with a primitive component type that  manages a list of choices (see the remark above about values); if present, the order of the labels in this list must be the same as the order of the corresponding values


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:xt="http://ns.inria.org/xtiger">

<xt:component name="author">
<p>My name is <xt:use types="string" label="name">your name<xt:use>,
but you can call me <xt:attribute
types="string" name="nickname" default="your nickname"></p>
<xt:use types="author" label="author"/>

The extract above will generate the following type of XML data:

  <author nickname="your nickname">
    <name>your name</name>

The xt:menu-marker element

Contains empty

Contained in descendant of an xt:component, or of an xt:repeat

The xt:menu-marker element must be placed inside the scope of an xt:repeat element (either as a direct descendant or as a descendant after one or more type inclusions through xt:use elements). It allows to control the insertion point of the Add / Remove buttons generated by the XTX processor when transforming the repetition element.



The xt:repeat element

Contains any XHTML content, xt:use, xt:repeat, xt:attribute, xt:menu-marker

Contained in any XHTML element that can have child elements, xt:component, or another xt:repeat

The xt:repeat element defines a document fragment that can be repeated zero or more times. A zero time repetition means that the fragment is optional and is not set. The xt:repeat element will generate some interaction element (a pari of Add / Remove buttons) that will be inserted at the place of the first xt:menu-marker element inside the fragment, or inserted at the end of the fragment if it doesn't contain any xt:menu-marker element.

The xt:repeat element can be mapped to a  tag name in the XML content model through a label attribute, in a way similar to the xt:use element. If it is not associated with a tag name, it MUST declare in a pseudoLabel attribute the name of the first  tag name that is generated in the XML content model of its fragment. This is mandatory to allow the XTX processor to correctly load XML data into the template.


Name Mandatory Value Definition
minOccurs no number (default to 0) minimum number of inclusions of the content fragment in the document, 0 means it is optional
Note: currently the only supported values are 0 or 1
maxOccurs no number or * (default to *) maximum number of inclusions of the content fragment in the document, * means there is no limit
Note: currently the only supported value are 1 or *
label no string mapping with a tag name in the XML content model
pseudoLabel no string in case the label is not defined for the entire repeated component, the pseudoLabel must give the name of the first XML tag name which is repeated in the XML content model


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:xt="http://ns.inria.org/xtiger">
<xt:head label="menucard">
    <xt:component name="dish">
      <p><xt:menu-marker/><xt:use types="text">dish</xt:use>
costs <xt:attribute
types="text" name="price" default="00"/> euros</p>
<h2>Restaurant Menu Card</h2>
<xt:repeat minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="*" pseudoLabel="dish">
   <xt:use types="dish" label="dish"/>

The extract above will generate the following type of XML data:

<dish price="20">Chicken and fries</dish>
<dish price="30">Noodles and salmon</dish>
<dish price="15">Rice and pork</dish>

The string primitive component type


<xt:use types="string" label="nickname" param="lookahead=4">your nickname</xt:use>
<xt:attribute types="string" name="birthdate"
default="year" param="lookahead=0">

The string primitive component type is associated with a string editor that generates a span and an input field in the document. The span displays the current content of the editor. Each time the user clicks on it, it is hidden and the input field is shown instead to edit the content. When the user validates the entry with Return, the input field is hidden and the span is shown again with the new content. The user can cancel a current entry by pressing the Escape key.

The string editor does not provide any advanced option such as automatic resizing as user's input data. The only supported option is the lookahead option that sets a number of extra characters (spaces) that will be added at the end of the content before displaying the input field for a new entry.

The string editor supports the option attribute of the xt:use or xt:attribute element that includes it. If this attribute is present it generates a checkbox from which the user can include its content into the document or not.

The content of this editor is initialized to the text content of the xt:use element, or to the value of the default attribute of the xt:attribute element.

This primitive component type exists for historical reasons and for debugging. It is recommended to use the text primitive component type instead, since it provides advanced options to control its appearance and behavior and uses less memory (it does not generate an input field for each editable content).

Options (passed through the param attribute on xt:use)

Parameter Values Default Description
lookahead number 2 defines how many empty characters to add at the end of the edit field when it is opened, for instance if a field contains 'hello', displaying it with a lookahead of 5 will display 'hello     ' (5 spaces after)

The text primitive component type


<xt:use types="text" label="parag" param="type=textarea;layout=float">
Write a new paragraph here.</xt:use>
<xt:attribute types="text" name="birthdate" default="year"
param="type=input;layout=placed;expansion=none" option="set"/>

The text primitive component type is associated with a text editor that generates a span in the document and either an input field or a textarea field (for multilines entry) in the document. The difference with the string editor is that the input or the textarea fields are shared between all the text primitive editors which are created inside the document. 

The text editor supports two types of input or textarea fields with different layout. The float layout dynamically positions the input or the textarea on top of the content to edit when the user clicks on it (using CSS absolute positioning). The placed layout dynamically replaces the content to edit, which is stored in a span, by the input or the textarea field when the user clicks on the content. Once the editing is finished, a float field is hidden revealing the content span which is updated with the last entry; similarly, a placed field is replaced back with the content span.

The text editor supports the option attribute of the xt:use or xt:attribute element that includes it. If this attribute is present it generates a checkbox from which the user can include its content into the document or not.

The content of this editor is initialized to the text content of the xt:use element, or to the value of the default attribute of the xt:attribute element.

The text editor is controlled by passing a list of option declarations into the param attribute on the XTX element that includes it into the document. For instance the example in the synopsis creates a text editor with a shared textarea and a float layout.

Options (passed through the param attribute on xt:use)

Parameter Values Default Description
type 'input' 'input' the edit field is an <input> (shared at the document level between all the instances)
'textarea' the edit field is an <textarea> (shared at the document level between all the instances)
layout 'placed' 'placed' the edit field is inserted dynamically into the DOM instead of the <span> handle
'float' the edit field is placed dynamically on top of the <span> handle using CSS absolute positioning, currently the algorithm works only if the target handle is statically placed
shape 'self'  'self' the shape/length of the edit field equals the current shape of the handle
'parent' the shape of the edit field equals the current shape of the parent of the handle
class string '' the value of the class attribute will be set as the class attribute of the span element that displays the editor content; it will also  be dynamically added to the class attribute of the input field or textarea field when editing; this allows to style the editor on a per-instance basis with CSS
expansion 'none'  'grow' the edit field has a fixed shape/length
'grow' the edit field expands as the user types text; the direction of the expansion may depend on the implementation of the primitive editor and on the 'shape' parameter too, for instance an edit field implemented as an <input> can only grow horizontally, while an edit field  implemented as a <textarea> (e.g. 'textarea' editor) will grow horizontally if its shape is set to 'self' and vertically if its shape is set to 'parent'
clickthrough boolean true when switching to edit mode the cursor will be placed at the character under the mouse, currently this attribute has no effects on IE browser (note: let me know if you know how to convert mouse position into character selection position on IE)
note: implementation still in progress
copyFonts boolean true when true the edit field will inherit the font metrics 'font-size', 'font-family', 'font-weight', 'color' either from the parent of the handle if shape='parent' or from the handle itself
note: not implemented (the library acts as if it were set to true)

Extra handle attribute

When a xt:use or a xt:attribute includes a  text component type, it may declare an extra handle attribute. This attribute must be set to the name of an XHTML element that will be used as a handle instead of the default <span> handle. This is mostly used with a text derivated editors built with the filtering mechanism described in the developer's guide and that may require a block level handle instead of an inline level handle.

The select primitive component type


<xt:attribute types="select" label="country" default="Switzerland" 
Italy Switzerland">country</xt:use>
<xt:attribute types="select" label="currency" default="EUR"
values="EUR USD
CHF" i18n="Euro Dollars Franc-Suisse">currency</xt:use>

The select primitive component type is associated with a popup menu editor that generates a span in the document that contains a current selection. The popup menu is displayed each time the user clicks on the span and it updates its value to the selected value. 

The select primitive component type MUST be associated with an xt:attribute element because it uses its values attribute to build the options of the popup menu, and by default it selects the option defined in the default attribute.

The select editor supports the option attribute of the xt:attribute element. If this attribute is present it generates a checkbox from which the user can include its content into the document or not.

The select editor supports the i18n attribute of the xt:attribute element. If this attribute is present, the labels displayed in the popup menu are taken from the i18n list instead of the values list, so both  lists must have a one to one matching. This attribute does not change the generated XML content model which is still conditioned by the values attribute.

This editor does not currently manage any parameter.

The content primitive component type


<xt:use types="content" label="parag">your paragraph</xt:use>
<xt:attribute types="content" name="favorite dish" default="chicken tikka masala"/>

This primitive component type will be associated with an editor that directly controls the document content through HTML contentEditable attribute. Hence it will be the most economical in terms of memory occupation as it will not generate any input or textarea field. It will allow gives a better WYSIWYG experience and allow to create mixed content with Rich Text Editing types of decorations.

XTiger XML Processing Model

The AXEL (Adaptable XML Editing Library) XTX processor is implemented as a Javascript client-side library which can be run inside a browser. You have the choice to import this Javascript library directly into the template file, using script tags, to make it an auto-editable template. As an alternative you can use an editing application. Such applications can be built with the library. They should allow to load templates and to edit documents with them. They should allow to load XML data into the documents and to save back the document to XML data. 

The Javascript XTX processor takes as input an XTX template document. It loads the template document into the browser memory and then it transforms it, removing the XTX elements and generating adequate XHTML content to turn the document into an interactive editable document. During this transformation the processor creates some Javascript objects to control user's input and the dynamic display of user interaction elements (e.g. buttons, popup menus, etc.).


Styling XTiger XML templates

The Javascript XTX processor generates some CSS attribute class attributes while transforming a template document. It then uses CSS rules to style these elements. Most of the time as a document template author you will use the standard xtiger.css which is given with the XTiger demonstration editor application (path: editor/extras/xtiger.css). But you may also redefine them or override them using an !important CSS rule.These CSS attributes are described in the table below.

As of its current development XTiger XML styling is still highly unstable and may change, hence the table below is not necesarilly up to date.

The most interesting class name is xtt-editable which is set on the handle of primitive editors. It can be used for instance to improve feedback about the editable fields by using :hover pseudo selectors.

Category Class (or selector) Description
Internal xtt-boundary
xt:repeat editor xtt-repeat-left
"text" and "string" primitive editors xtt-editable
option editor (when using a primitive component type with option="set" or option="unset") xtiger-option-checkbox
"select" primitive editor popup menu (implemented with a list block <ul>) ul.xtiger-popup
ul.xtiger-popup li 
ul.xtiger-popup li.invisible
ul.xtiger-popup li.selected

Summary tables of supported attributes and parameters

Table showing the supported attributes, component types, component parameters and values for use with xt:use and xt:attribute XTiger elements
XTiger element XTiger Attributes (mandatory) Values for types attribute option attribute param attribute
xt:use types
flow (only if label is defined)
"string" yes yes
"text" yes yes
list of component types no N/A
xt:attribute types (type is deprecated)
i18n (only with types="select")
"string" yes yes
"text" yes yes
"select" yes N/A

Table showing usage parameters of the primitive component types
Primitive component type (types=...) Allowed In Parameters (param=...) Values (default)
"string" xt:use
lookahead integer (2)
"text" xt:use
type input, textarea
shape parent, self
layout float, placed
class class name
expansion none, grow
"select" xt:attribute N/A N/A