
An XProc/XSLT Library For Patching Back Tokenization/Analysis Results Into Marked-up Text

Gerrit Imsieke (@gimsieke), le-tex publishing services (@letexml)

Problems addressed / Applications

  • Adding linguistic analysis information to .docx documents
  • Tagging a PDF’s line and page breaks in the TEI source document
  • Inserting links into tagged documents

… with a single, customizable, open-source XProc/XSLT library

Linguistic analysis of .docx files

Word file about Celts

Linguistic analysis of .docx files

linguistically anylzed file

Linguistic analysis of .docx files

linguistically anylzed file

Tagging a PDF’s line breaks in the TEI source document
Taken from: Uwe Johnson Werkausgabe. Ein Vorhaben der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften an der Universität Rostock

Tagging a PDF’s line breaks in the TEI source document
Taken from: Uwe Johnson Werkausgabe. Ein Vorhaben der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften an der Universität Rostock

Tagging a PDF’s line breaks in the TEI source document
Taken from: Uwe Johnson Werkausgabe. Ein Vorhaben der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften an der Universität Rostock

Inserting links into tagged documents

See the synthetic ttt-linking-demo repo on Github

It links occurrences (in the paragraphs) of chapter titles to the respective chapters.

The similar real-life application (for Deutscher Apotheker Verlag) linked occurrences of an entry title to the primary entry in major reference works (thousands of pages).

→ see demo source

Inserting links into tagged documents

Step-by-step inspection of the linking scenario. Macroscopic steps:

  • p:xslt with custom prepare-target-list.xsl
  • ttt:prepare-input (library step with 3 XSLT passes)
  • p:xslt with custom find-candidates.xsl
  • ttt:process-paras (library step with 3 XSLT passes)
  • ttt:merge-results (library step with 3 XSLT pass)

→ demo (diff between input and linked output is on next slide)


the diff between sample input and linked output

Output of the bespoke find-candidates.xsl pass

A ttt:para element with the normalized input para and
			      the regex-matching-based tokenization result (indented for better fit into this slide)

Performance Detail: Converting token start/end milestones into spanning elements

Occurs as last XSLT pass in ttt:process-paras

  • “Upward projection” method for pulling up milestones to immediately beneath the paragraph
  • Only then may they be connected into spanning elements
  • Why is it a good idea to split up the input into paragraph-like units?
    • Performance scales roughly with node count times splitting point count
    • 10 paras with 20 elements and 4 milestones each ⇒ (10×20)×(10×4) = 8000 when processing as single chunk, 10×20×4 = 800 individually

Common properties of the three tasks

  • Deeply nested XML
  • Flat-string-based tokenization, often by regex matching
  • Enriching the tokens with analysis results:
    • part of speech information
    • page/line numbers from a PDF
    • link targets
  • Merging the new token structure with the source XML

⇒ Overlapping markup

Interface of mark-linebreaks.xpl

(The PDF scenario)

  • Pulling up milestones is optional; not used here
  • Good showcase for multiple output ports in XProc

Details of mark-linebreaks.xpl

Advantages of XProc in orchestrating these pipelines

  • Functional language
  • Excellent encapsulation
  • Thereby great customizability (config files or overriding XSLT on input ports)
  • In contrast to other functional languages: Multiple “return values” (output ports) whose consumption can be deferred to when they are needed (ttt:prepare-input on the previous slide)
  • Wealth of other libraries, in particular for dealing with zipped XML formats such as .docx, IDML, or EPUB (for ex. docx2hub, hub2docx)

Thank you!


DocBook linking sample application:

Paper: (p. 229)

Video: on the Youtube XML Prague channel