Things We Lost in the Fire

XML Prague 2020

Geert Bormans |

Ari Nordström |

We're Grumpy Old Men

Grumpy Old Men Logo

How Geert Realised He Had Become Grumpy and Old

xs:date query
Query results

Ari Always Knew

Beware grumpy old man at work
Watch your head sigh-seeing bus sign
Cafe Grumpy sign

Things That Lit the Matches

Programming Languages as Religion


We've Always Done This

Drink coffee

90-Minute Standups

Boring meeting

An XSD for Appearances

Wasted effort - Dilbert

'oy' DaSIQjaj

Klingon with sunglasses

Open Source as Policy

Open source - Dilbert

You Can Choose Any Software You Want

Round peg, square hole

Not Hawt Enough

Meme, Love Triangle

Sometimes SGML Is What You Want

SGML Handbook

Things We Found among the Ashes

Wash hands sign
Flush paper only sign
Submerged road sign

Thank You!

Grumpy cat