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XMLPrague 2009 highlights
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XMLPrague 2009 presentations
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A practical introduction to EXSLT 2.0 Florent Georges
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Advanced Automated Authoring with XML Petr Nálevka
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Cool mobile apps with SVG and other Web technologies Robin Berjon
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Designing XML/Web Languages: A Review of Common Mistakes Robin Berjon
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Exploring XProc Norman Walsh
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Full validation of Atom feeds containing extensions using NVDL 村田 真 - Murata Makoto
download, watch, FunctX home,
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FunctX: A case study in end-to-end processing of XML Priscilla Walmsley
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High-performance XML: theory and practice Alex Brown
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Imagining, building and using an XSLT virtual machine Mark Howe
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Introduction to Code List Implementation G. Ken Holman
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Optimizing XML Content Delivery with XProc Vojtěch Toman
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oXygen XML Editor demo George Cristian Bina
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Practical Reuse in XML Ari Nordström
download, watch, TestingXSLT, TestingXSLFO,
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Testing XSLT Tony Graham
download, watch, XSpec at Google Code,
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Testing XSLT with XSpec Jeni Tennison
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Xdefinition 2.1 Václav Trojan
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XML Schema moves forward Michael Kay
XMLPrague 2009 posters
Short video introducing all posters (see "Poster Session" section)
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Current Support of XML by the "Big Three" Irena Mlýnková and Martin Nečaský
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Data Orchestration using Xdefinitions Jiří Měska
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EXQuery: Collaboratively Defining Open Standards for Portable XQuery Applications Adam Retter
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Phontom nodes Dmitriy Shabanov
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The SDOM 1.0 library O'Neil Delpratt (joint work with Rajeev Raman and Naila Rahman)
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Using XSLT for C code generation and testing Tony Graham
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XSL-FO 2.0 Tony Graham
Comming soon: XMLPrague archives, improved videos, and more...!